After a disappearance that lasted nearly three years, Bobby Tak resurfaced in the SoFla scene. Well-respected as one of the scene's greatest drummer for his work with the Cichlids, The Bobs and others, his non-appearance on The Bobs second release White Gazebo left many scratching their heads.
Initially named The Bobs, this unit re-teamed Tak with guitarist Kevin MacIvor and in place of Bob Rupe, Michael Chatham assumed bass duties for the band.
During his time away, it seems that Tak had been possesed by the spirit of James Brown, because his contributions to the group were, for the most part, all Famous Flames-styled funk jams. Although MacIvor’s contributions could still have fit well within the original Bobs (and as far as we could find, Chatham did not write for the group) this change in sound necessitated a change in name. So thanks to a well-place comic pinned to the wall of Sync Studios, where they recorded the demos featured here, the group assumed the modified monicer of Bob Went Bad.
The live tracks featured here come from the groups premiere performance at Club Banal, still using the name The Bobs, and featuring the lovely She-Bob on keys and percussion.