The Reactions were a great rock band and their second vinyl release “Love You” showed how far they'd come since “Official Release,” their first e.p. Unfortunately they didn't go far enough because one: they broke up before releasing this gem, and two: the songs were good, but the recording was flat as the top of Issac Baruch's head.
Well we've come to the rescue by pairing their final bit of product with a tape that we've held onto since, well, since the Balkan Rock Club was open in Dania Fla. That's where the live set that fills out this disc was recorded. It was the day of Charlie Pickett's birthday, the essentials opened the show (with, surprise!, Pete Moss on Drums).

A great setlist and a great performance and hey, the tape sounds pretty good for being twenty years old.
So here's to Tony Suppa, Johnny Salton, Joey Maya and ol' Jacque Strappe himself, Issac (Brooklynites, reunite and shit on da floor!) Baruch.