I still remember seeing the full-page ad in Rag Magazine announcing the release of The Danger Is Here. An insane man with the letter F sliced into his arm... what the hell was this?
What it turned out to be was one the most abrasive, offensive and long-lasting sounds to emerge from the post-punk years in SoFla.
Equal parts Dead Boys, Alice Cooper and Iggy, F had a message that he/they wanted you to hear, but they weren't going to sweeten it to your personal taste. This was angry, aggresive music of a madman. With all instruments by Pete Moss. F himself explains:

“When it came time to do the credits of the band it was Pete's idea to conjure up a bunch of names for the different parts so it would create the image of a band rather than one guy playing it all. And he's the one that came up with the names! ”

There was also humor, though of the blackest kind, woven into the coarse fabric of F music. Songs like Spit It Out (“it ain't what you think it is”) and the literal use of fingernails scratching on a chalkboard during the song Torture reveal the wicked grin behind the scowl. While unexpected and lucid socio-political commentary in the excellent Such Men Are Dangerous.
At the time some may have dismissed them, even been driven from the clubs by them. But F remains to this day, bustin’ eardrums and having the last, ever wicked, laugh.