Eclectic, far-reaching and sometimes just plain strange, Spanish Dogs were pop/reggae/new wave with occasional bursts of brilliance. This disc covers the entire career of the Dogs as a band. The first few cuts are from their first live show at the Underground Lounge on Ft. Lauderdale beach. The track list progresses with selections from the e.p. “Don't Sweat the Petty Things,” the album “Mongol le Gan” and into the years of cassette releases from Michael Kennedy's home studio Squalor Sound.
From this group would spring at least four different groups (depending on how you count): Randy Ruffner's Stan Still Dance Band, Maryanne Nazzaro's Ruby Cadillac, Pete Moss' Gay Cowboys in Bondage and after coming full-circle Michael Kennedy and Pete Moss with RoosterHead. The looming presence of Michael Chatham played bass for most of them.