The Eat - Photos
- Helios, 1972 Eddie and Chris's First Band
- Michael, Eddie, and early EAT guitarist Elio
- New Wave New Years, Sunrise Theatre, Dec. 31, 1979
- Michael, Glenn, Sunrise Theatre, Dec. 31, 1979
- Chris Cottie (note wrestler's robe hanging on microphones stand)
- Chris Cottie
- Chris
- Chris
- Chris, meeting John Entwistle
- Eddie and Peppy | Eddie and Peppy | Eddie and Peppy
- Eddie and Glenn
- Chris and Michael
- Chris draft card
- The Eat
- Eddie playing bass
- Eddie
- Eddie, Michael, 1979
- Eddie, Michael
- Michael O'Brien, Glenn Newland
- Eddie, FAU, Oct. 1979
- Eddie, FAU, Oct. 1979
- Eddie, FAU, Oct. 1979
- The Eat, 1979
- Dave Fun, Glenn, Michael, Charlie, Lisa, Eddie, Peppy, outside Miss Lucky's, Tampa
- Peppy, Lisa, outside Miss Lucky's, Tampa
- Peppy, outside Miss Lucky's, Tampa
- Kenny, Chris
- Glenn, Michael, Peppy
- Glenn
- Kickin' Ass, John Lennon Memorial Concert, Bicentennial Park, Miami
- Michael, Playing drums for Morbid Opera, maybe at Open Books and Records
- Eddie Mug shot
- Eddie | Eddie, Michael, Kenny | Chris | Michael | Eddie, Michael | Eddie, Chris (Polish American Club)
- Michael, Kenny | Eddie | Eddie | Michael | Michael, Kenny | Michael, Kenny (Polish American Club)
- Passport photos
- Peppy O'Brien, Charlie Pickett
- The Eat | Eddie, Michael, Chris | Eddie, Michael | Michael, Chris | Eddie, Michael (Premier Club)
- Eddie in Priest Suit
- Ian (Rusty) Hammond, Eddie
- Peppy in Smegma
- Dirk Bill and Rabbit
- The Eat with Hal, courtesy Patty Leidy
- The Eat at University of Miami AV department
- The Eat at University of Miami AV department
- Eddie, Open Books & Records, Progresso Plaza, Oct. 25, 1980
- Dave Fun, Eddie O'Brien (fake national tour, Oct. 1980)
- Dave Fun, Peppy O'Brien (fake national tour, Oct. 1980)
- Eat Van, (fake national tour, Oct. 1980)
- Eat Van, (fake national tour, Oct. 1980)
- Eddie with Johnny Salton and Charlie Pickett
- The Eat at Hialeah
- The Eat, Hialeah
- Michael, Glenn
- The Eat
- The Eat, Communist Radio Audio/Video Session, 1979?
- Eat collage from the back of "Live at Lemon City" cd
- Eddie O'Brien, Michael O'Brien possibly 'Communist Radio' video shoot/recording session, 11/79?
- Eddie O'Brien Churchill's, Lemon City
- Eddie O'Brien
- Kenny Lindahl
- Kenny Lindahl
- Michael at the South Pole
- Eat at Hialeah Horse Track
- Eat at Kenny's Wedding | Kenny's Wedding | The Eat at Kenny's wedding
- Communist Radio Session
- Chris, Glenn
- Eddie, Jimmy Johnson, Cameron Cohick, Kenny, Michael, Jan. 27, 2007
- Eddie, with Charlie Pickett, Jan 28, 2007 (Sheila Witkin concert, singing I Led Two Lives)
- Eddie | Eddie | Eddie | Eddie | Eddie, Club Cinema, Jan 28, 2007
- The Eat with Jeannie & the Tits, Churchill's, Feb. 2, 2008
- Eddie | Eddie | Kenny | Michael | Mike Vullo, Michael, Churchill's, Feb. 2, 2008
- The Eat, Alligator Alley, August 8, 2008
- Glenn Newland with Iggy Pop, July 2009
- Kenny Lindahl 2009, happily retired in New Mexico......for now